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총 6개의 단계로 나눠져 있으며 내 기억으로는 3단계 이후부터는 멤버십을 가입해야 볼 수 있었다.
프로게이트 플러스 멤버십은 달에 $9.99 정도. 자바 외에도 다른 언어가 많아서 조금 더 들어볼 것 같다.
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매일 강의를 들으며 필기한 것을 정리해 올릴 예정.
"Hello Java" print charachers
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello Java");
cs |
System.out.println( ) is an instruction to print what's inside ( ).
Every Java file has a class. Inside the class, there are methods.
Semicolon at the end of every statement.
주석 달 때는 " // " 사용
Integers no need " "
ex) print the sum of 5 and 3
-> System.out.println( 5 + 3 );
print "5 + 3" as a string
-> System.out.println("5 + 3");
String concatenation
The + that we used for calculations also let us combine strings.
Data type
- String type ("S" must be uppercase) ex) "Hello Java"
- int type ex) 3
Declaring variables
1. Specify the data types
2. Decide the name
ex) int number;
String name;
Assigning values
Initializing variables : declare and assign at the same time
dataType variableName = value
ex ) int number = 3;
System.out.println( number ); -> 3
Concatenating variables
ex) String greeting = "Hello";
System.out.println(greeting + "John"); -> Hello John
Good variable name : lowercase, seperate the words with a capital letter ex) userName
Bad variable name : Don't start with a number, Don't use underscore ex) user_name
When we do calculations with an int and a double, int will be implicitly converted to a double.
You can convert an integer to a double by casting it.
ex ) int number1 = 13;
int number2 = 4;
System.out.println( (double) number1 / number2 ); -> 3.25